This past Sunday was a beautiful and Spirit-filled day at Key West United Methodist Church! Yes, I know… all days are wonderful, joyful days when we live in the Kingdom of God, but last Sunday was truly a special day. The Holy Spirit was working overtime and lives were transformed. All of this happened through two lay people in our church.
I had been taking some time off the week before, so Vanessa Fuller took on the task of leading the discussion in Old Stone Coffee House and Ralphie Segar preached and handled the 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service. The first truly joyful thing that happened was that I was able to actually attend Coffee House as a participant and worship at the 11 a.m. service as “one of the crowd”. That doesn’t happen very often for me, so right off the bat I was extremely grateful for that gift. However, that is not the only gift that I (and all off us) received that day.
Vanessa read a children’s book to us. It is called The Tale of the Three Trees. First of all, if you have never read it, you need to! It is a beautifully written, powerful story – a timeless tale of three trees with big aspirations that are not fulfilled even though they waited patiently for a long time. However, the path that God took them on instead was even more meaningful and transformational. As Vanessa read the story, her emotions were palpable as tears streamed down her face, which made the experience even more beautiful. We could feel her gratitude for the life God has given her and her deep desire to share the love of Christ with others. The packed room was silent and completely tuned into Vanessa’s reading of the story. Later someone said that they were not religious and had not been in a worship setting or church for many years, but Vanessa’s presentation and vulnerability made them feel close to God! Amen!
Then, at the 11 a.m. service, Ralphie Segar shared a message and a testimony that included a personal story that required courage and vulnerability to share. Once again, we felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and a connection to one another which surpassed all understanding. The emotional responses to Ralphie’s testimony told me that many others had also struggled with similar situations. Hearts were transformed and connected to one another.
What an amazing blessing to be part of a church family who are willing to be vulnerable (by the way – don’t forget, this is my word for the year) and share their stories for the sole purpose of shining the light of Christ into the lives of others. And, what a powerful way to start a New Year. Thank you, Vanessa and Ralphie!
I Invite you to start thinking about how you will bravely share your story – and how you will be vulnerable this year. It doesn’t have to be in front of a crowd. Maybe it’s a lunch with a new friend, or having coffee with someone you would like to get to know better. Sharing our stories is how we build relationships with one another and relationships with one another often lead us deeper into a relationship with Jesus! What is your story?
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Grace and Peace
-Pastor Madeline (Knapp)
P.S. Both the Coffee House session and the Traditional worship services are available for viewing on our Facebook page.
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